free discovery session

The Magic of the MVP Method

The Lean Startup Methodology has been instrumental in helping startups like Uber, AirBnB and Dropbox off the ground.

It also meant they built solutions that customers loved.

Find out how you can use the MVP method to get your idea off the ground by taking advantage of our free discovery session and the development expertise of IT Enterprise.

Learn how to make your idea a reality and take yourself from the drawing board to thriving business.

What will you cover on your free discovery session?

Deep exploration of their idea: its feasibility, consideration of the best solution, and defining the core features.

Define your business model.

Identify key stakeholders.

Investigate your subject area/industry and its pain points.

Identify how your product could resolve these pain points.

Determine your target audience and end users of the product.

Define the project scope and core application features

Determine likely project timescales.

Identify key priorities.

(If Relevant) We will discuss payment service options available to use in your app.

Propose a roadmap for your project.

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Sign up today and recieve an exclusive free book on what the MVP method is, and how to develop your own MVP.

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